Chasing Impact...Not Headlines...

"Two years ago, I promised to work across the aisle and still keep my values. Today, I'm proud to say that I've kept my promise - Setting a record this term of most bills passed by a freshman legislator in the minority - that means it required bipartisan support in order to pass."

“I am a United States Army veteran, scientist, and mom. I’m running for re-election to the AZ House of Representatives in LD12 to get government working again and create a bright and sustainable future for hard-working Arizona families.”

A photo of Stacey Travers with a warm smile

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Where I Stand on the Issues


  • Fund Arizona K-12 schools
  • Create opportunities for learning beyond K-12
  • Build a strong workforce for a strong AZ economy

   Women's RIGHTS

  • Co-Sponsor:

    HB2677 Abortion ban; repeal

    HB2676 Abortion reporting; repeal

    Right to earn a fair and equal wage

   Voting Rights

  • Co-Sponsor:

    HB2072 Voter registration; same day

    HB2073 Automatic Voter Registration
  • HB2152 Initiative; referendum; signatures; electronic submittal


  • Appointed to Governor's Water Policy Council

    Natural Resources, Energy and Water Committee

    HB2674 watersheds; beneficial use; instream flows
  • Invest in clean, renewable energy
  • HB2672 Appropriation; heritage fund
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"Community is the cornerstone of governing. Together we can work towards a safer, cleaner, healthier, more sustainable community where everyone in the district thrives."

Stacey Travers is pictured supporting two police officers the Chandler Police DepartmentStacey Travers is pictured supporting two firefighters from the Chandler Fire Department


We can only win this with help and the dedication to change from people like you. Would you consider, at this time, a donation to Stacey's campaign?

*Maximum donation is $5,300